I’ve been working away on book 4, which is the first in a whole new series with brand new characters, but it’s set in the same Universe as Be More Octopus and the other Dashford Comedies, so you might encounter a familiar person or two as part of the story. If you bought the Authors at the Armouries 2024 anthology, an extract featured in there under my working title, The Waiter. But I thought it deserved something more interesting than that, so it’s now called Love Me Till Wednesday.

Here’s the blurb:

When 52-year-old Lisa’s former singing career gets a surprise reboot, will her relationship with her now famous ex get a reboot too?

This second chance, closed door romantic comedy is set in London in the 1990s and present day.

Sound interesting? It comes out on 4 November 2024, but you can pre-order the ebook version today. It’s got a temporary cover at the moment, but the real one will be out in a few weeks’ time. I can’t wait to share it with you.

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